f|m records is delighted to bring you a collection of electro-acoustic, ambient and experimental sounds for shoegazing and contemplative listening. Our first VA gathers talented artists spanning from around the globe, each contributing a piece created based on the concept of toys. We hope you'll enjoy the free download album and continue to support f|m records.
JOUETS [MP3|320kb]
f|m montage 00101. Hitorikko - Daschon (FR|JP) 05'14"
02. Suite For Toy Instruments no.3, in D maj - Bosques de mi Mente (ES) 02'56"
03. Coming Home - Daniel Dixon (US) 04'18"
04. Snow Murmuring Snow - Hidekazu Wakabayashi (JP) 02'52"
05. Springly Planet - Bed, feat. ai yuuki@RECO (JP) 04'36"
06. Night Herb - Naono (GR) 04'44"
07. Mobbast - Melma (IT) 04'13"
08. Sand Into Speedboats - Harold Nono (UK) 03'08"
09. Toysareus - Dimitri Bellemer (JP) 03'37"
10. Dehors Lune - Kaede Mira (JP) 03'56"
11. Flashback - adoralula (TH) 05'02"
12. Collage - akey (JP) 03'32"
13. Birthday Pie - aL.Chemistry (SG) 03'56"
14. When They Come Alive Tonight - sonicbrat (SG) 03'44"
Total Running Time: 55'43"
f|m records M#001
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f|m records
November 25, 2008
responses from online sites...
"This an excellent compilation from f/m records (Singapore)" - yamanotedreams
"A very beautiful compilation. A must listen!!!" - Ogata Tetsuo
"シンガポールのネットレーベルf|m recordsのリリ−ス第一弾。全14曲。タイトル通り(そもそもジャケ画見れば一目瞭然ですが)、「おもちゃ」をコンセプトにしたコンピレーションアルバム。トイトロニカ好きは是非ともDLすべき。ピアノやオルゴールなどを中心に、子守唄のように聴き心地の良い良曲揃い。眠くなります。
以前ネットレーベルmimi recordsでリリースしていたkaede miraや、schole magazineのSOUND VIEW 01に参加していたHedekazu Wakabayashiなど、日本人がかなり参加しています。" - kaiの判別式
Google translation:
"Singapore netlabel f|m records of the Lili - the first device. All 14 songs. As the title (the first place is plain to see the painting Jacquet), "toys" KONPIRESHONARUBAMU to the concept. We should be with the likes TOITORONIKA DL. In the heart of the piano and music box, listening to Lullaby comfortable matching good song. Sleepy.
Before netlabel mimi records had been released and kaede mira, schole magazine's SOUND VIEW 01 had participated in Hedekazu Wakabayashi, a lot of Japanese people are involved." - kaiの判別式